Magnetix Marketing

Our simple mission is to empower entrepreneurs and companies to generate currency, success, and financial freedom with proven online marketing systems.

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Magnetix Marketing IS currently enrolling clients!

More opportunities are lost to simple procrastination than for any other reason. It's perhaps the most human thing we share.

As we are extremely generous with the services we deliver, we cannot enroll many direct clients, so we have NO CHOICE but to be selective with whom we serve at the highest levels. Training programs are growing quickly, however, so it's very likely that no matter what you're trying to achieve, we will be able to light the way.

There are such a wide variety of goals we can help you achieve that you owe it to yourself to have a quick chat with us. We will explore your objectives, wants and needs, and help you to find where our programs can overcome your obstacles. There is almost always some degree to which we can assist.

Click now to set up a Magnetix Meeting via phone or zoom. No time to waste in pursuit of your goals!

Hear what Clients have to say about Magnetix Marketing

Dan Krynzel

Owner of the Interview Method

Offering some of the most powerful Sales Technique training available anywhere

(Paraphrased from the above video)

"Magnetix is the most amazing marketing company I've ever been able to work with.  They've been an incredible resource for me to build and grow my business.  I needed help scaling online, help running ads, help with messaging, help with EVERYTHING! 

As a result of our work with Magnetix Marketing, our brand, Lifestyle Listings, helping realtors all over the country, EXPLODED!

Honestly, it's very difficult to find a marketing company and resources to help entrepreneurs, influencers, coaches like us, that's good and does what they say they're going to do.  

Magnetix was upfront with me and let me know what we needed to do.  We setup lead flows and processes to where once the lead flow came in, we had an unbelievable follow-up system with texts and emails and retargeting ads so that when you came into the web of Lifestyle Listings and the Interview Method, you would be contacted by us and our automation until you bought (and beyond].

I wouldn't be able to be who I am today without Ryan and Magnetix Marketing.  I know they have limited bandwidth, so if you have the opportunity to work with them, JUMP ON THAT right away and do exactly what they say!"

~Dan Krynzel 

Barbara Morris

Owner of Women Rising Like the Phoenix

Coaching for Women experiencing the Empty Nest

(Paraphrased from the above video)

"Hi, I'm Barbara Morris, the creator and founder of 'Women Rising like the Phoenix'. I couldn't have done all of the things that I have done in my marketing without Ryan (at Magnetix Marketing). His expertise, his knowledge, goes so far beyond anything I could have imagined. I could have been given the basics and had to flounder myself through all of the pieces but he knows all of the pieces that are needed to put together a fantastic marketing plan. And I encourage you to get with him if you are starting a business or struggling with your advertising because he will be able to help you more than you could ever have wished for. And I am so grateful for all that he has done for me."

~Barbara Morris 

Lisa Luciano

Owner of Online Safety & Success,

Teaching effective decision-making using techniques that empower children and adults to spot danger, avoid it and deal with it.

(Paraphrased selections from the above video)

"Magnetix Marketing cared about me and my company and getting me across the finish line or getting me to the starting line. I trusted him and I started working with him and I went from having no leads to 3500 leads because he built a sales funnel that worked, not just worked, but it worked for my company and for who I am.

We put out the ad campaign and it got results that to this day, people who've been in the business a long time cannot believe. And I've seen it happen to other clients for Magnetix Marketing as well. I was getting lead after lead after lead. I went from zero sales call bookings to 70 within a couple of months because of the ads that put people through my funnel.

Then of course, there's the issue of email campaigns. I didn't know how to do that properly. We built one based on emails they created and crafted. He has figured out what can go wrong or what do you need to do to make an email effective. Anybody can send out emails. Well his are so different that I had a client come to my Zoom session and the first thing she said to me was, "Lisa, those emails you sent me, I was afraid to come. I was not going to come to this call. But when I saw what was in those emails, I knew who you were. I started to trust you. And I loved the information you gave me. There was a video. I loved it that made all the difference to me."

That was because of Magnetix Marketing and the emails they created, the systems they know how to build."

~Lisa Luciano 

Matt Friedland

Owner of 360 Music System,

Training guitar players to reach new degrees of professional mastery.

(Paraphrased selections from the above video)

"My name is Matt Friedland and I've been working with Magnetics Marketing for some time now. I'm a music school owner in Tempe, Arizona, and I have a music education platform launched online nationwide called 360 Music System. Our business has really started to get more out of our marketing, organized and more successful in getting new leads and getting clients enrolled in our programs.

A lot of that has to do with Magnetix Marketing's help in implementing our landing pages, our Facebook advertising and getting our calendars set up and all of our backend tech. I wouldn't have been able to do that myself. It's quite a vast thing to try and take that on, even consuming tutorials. Having an expert like Magnetics Marketing help you with that kind of thing will save you a lot of time and energy and effort.

So if you're a business owner, you're going to need marketing, you're going to need to advertise things. If you've tried it before and it hasn't been successful, I've totally been there. I've invested thousands with other marketers, didn't work and I wasn't educated and informed on what they were actually doing and how to set up any of this stuff.

So I had no idea why it wasn't working. But after working with Magnetix, they educated me on how things work, how to set up things properly, the strategies and we have been getting results. We're getting new clients booked, we're getting our ads in front, we're building our audience. And I just want to say that it's been great working with them.

It's been a real pleasure and I highly recommend working with them."

~Matt Friedland

Kami Wanous

Owner of The Freedom Scholar,

Homeschool Educational Mentoring

(Paraphrased selections from the above video)

"Hi there. I'm Kami Wanous and I'm so excited to recommend to you Magnetix Marketing. I am currently building a new website and new platform in from Kajabi over to Go High Level and I never ever would have been able to do it without Magnetix Marketing! It is so complicated to figure out a new platform. It's such a big learning curve and it takes you away from what you really want to do - helping people, coaching them, the income that you want to make!

To have the freedom to hire somebody to be able to walk you through every step is what I love about Magnetix Marketing. Not only am I getting a platform built for me, but I'm doing it WITH them. I'm very hands on. I love to know how things work so that I can go back and make changes when I need to.

And that's what Magnetix Marketing does. It's walking me through every single step so that I understand the concepts, I understand what the names are (system elements) and why they mean different things, and then I can go back and do it myself. That empowers me to not only have a functioning business on the tech side and the the marketing side, but also it's allowing me to then teach my employees in the future.

And I'm so excited about that. There's so much information that I didn't know that Magnetix Marketing is teaching me all the time about marketing, about tech and how High Level works in conjunction with a lot of other things and how it moves. And it's just so beautiful. And I love being able to ask questions and it's, it's such a freeing experience to not have the pressure of trying to fit everything in a certain little timeslot and trying to have to, to get somebody call somebody and say, "Can you fix this for me?"

Because I know how to do it on my own now. I'm so excited. I think you should definitely, definitely give them a shot and trust them with all of your marketing needs."

~Kami Wanous

Doug Kalunian

Owner of Mastering Your Wellbeing,

Create a Side Hustle from Scratch Using the Power of AI

(Paraphrased selections from the above video)

"I’ve been in coaching with Ryan at Magnetix Marketing for the past 2 years, both in individual and group sessions, and I can honestly say that he deeply cares about his clients and goes above and beyond in order to provide quality guidance, help, and support.

He tells it how it is, giving constructive, personalized feedback, step-by-step detailed guidance, and you can tell he honestly wants each one of us to succeed.

Thanks for everything, Ryan! I’m ready to launch my program, in great part because of you! You’re Amazing! Couldn’t have done it without you!"

~Doug Kalunian

Nina Lockwood

Womens Life Coach, Happiness Catalyst, Boundary Pusher, Exhuberator, Cheerful Disruptor, Creator, Podcaster

(Paraphrased selections from the above video)

"Hi. I'm Nina Lockwood. I'm a women's life coach. And this is what I want to share with you about Ryan and Magnetix Marketing. I think that Ryan is one of the best people that you could possibly work with. I spent over a year with him and he helped me get my in-person coaching work onto an online platform which involves all sorts of technical stuff that my mind does not easily adapt to.

So he was my godsend, really, and this is what I can tell you about him. He is incredibly knowledgeable. He's got such an awareness of all the details and all of that you could never imagine. And he is kind and generous and really wants his clients to succeed, and that's been my experience with him. I know I could never have gotten this far without him, so I am so grateful to him and his work and I highly recommend him is the best thing since sliced bread.

I would definitely check him out."

~Nina Lockwood

We are a Dream Manifestation Company

To be clear, mastering marketing is the core capability required to make your dreams come to pass.

Nothing is impossible when you know what you want, and you have the tools and resources to overcome all challenges, and the skills to use them.

Marketing is simply the vehicle by which all goals become a reality.

Therefore, the name Magnetix Marketing, refers to the ability to deliver the keys to any future you desire.

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows!

Businesses of all sizes NEED to make sales. 

NOTHING happens without getting your message out to the right customer who:

  • Wants or NEEDS what you offer

  • Will recognize HOW you can solve their challenges or deliver their desires

  • and will TRUST you're the best option

There's ONE UNIVERSAL solution to meeting all three of these checkpoints at once. Until you have it, you'll be fighting to generate momentum for your business:

Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd!

You see it:

  • In a schoolyard when a fight breaks out.

  • At a local gathering, like a cookout, parade or county fair.

  • Establishments that depend on large turnouts, like Nightclubs, Theme parks, and Casinos.

  • Even at smaller events, like church functions, yard sales, or an open house.

  • On social media sites and internet search results, rating users and the value of what they have to say based on how many people have engaged with their content.

The larger the crowd, the more interested people get in taking part in whatever is generating all that interest. Human beings participate in hive-like behaviors. The existing attention validates your entire message and inspires that critical fear of missing out!

This is what Magnetix Marketing specializes in - rounding up a
HUGE, ever-expanding crowd for your business that never appears to disperse - a highly visible audience across every online platform, proving your value to anyone at a glance. Without using bots or fictional accounts to do it.

We also use every cutting edge strategy to gather interested potential customers into your system, where you can nurture your leads into clients over time.

Keep their attention on YOU until they are ready to do business. Before long, you'll be a giant in your industry. And you'll have our process to thank for that.

Click the button below to schedule a call with us to determine how we can help you to launch and/or grow your business today!

Our Services

We are a Marketing and Advertising Company Offering


Working with cutting edge systems and tools to build websites and funnels for clients.


Ads, Websites, Emails

Original, Editing


Offers organic social media attention-gathering and presence-affirming activities.


Assists with setup and management of online communities and membership driven access sites.


Consults and manages paid online advertising through social media outlets.


Actively manages and integrates CRM programs to enable automated and broadcast messaging.


Image manipulation and development in support of sites and ads.


Video clipping and after-effects improve the presentation and impact of ads and1 Column site messages.


Consultation and information to keep you in the loop and capable of creating and editing your own content.

Contact Request Form

Your Story Is Your Purpose

You are the protagonist in your own tale.

We are all here to experience a unique story of our own. What kind of story will you leave in the record of time?

All of us have struggled and most of us will overcome those struggles.

The best of us will turn our struggles into our definition of purpose and use them to drive us to greatness.

The worse our struggles have been, the more powerful we are.

The Power Plant

What Drives Magnetix Marketing

You often hear people say, "Do what you love for a living and you'll never work a day in your life."

I grew up loving games. Video Games, Role Playing Games, Board Games, anything that would spark the imagination and inspire interaction. Perhaps it was an unhealthy obsession, as my parents would regularly accuse. Maybe it was a way to get attention. It's said children should play to connect with their strengths and weaknesses.

Although I enjoyed coming up with various rules and structures, I did not adhere well to the rules and structures given by parents, schools, and employers. The real world felt all too rigged against average people, designed specifically to submit us to lives of burden, strapped to hamster wheels giving just enough reward to meet our needs and compel us to take steps forward to fulfill the dreams of others. Slaves to earning the wages we need to pay for the right to be alive.

Thanks to the support and encouragement of those close to me, I was inspired to take my ideas and idle concepts, generated in my efforts to escape the doldrums of day to day normalcy, and share these games with the world. The fantasy was to bring a game to market, make lots of money, and live free to continue to share further creativity. I believed that all it would take was a good idea and the standard rags to riches story could be mine to live.

Of course, it doesn't take long to figure out that it takes having money to make money and that an idea alone is not enough. Coming up with more of them and perfecting them is not enough. Art, printing, distribution, marketing - all remained out of reach. Wealth begets wealth.

My family and I lived for years with just enough to keep up on bills, pouring most effort into survival, leaning on credit to fill in where income failed. Many months would end in tough decisions on which bills to cover and which to let go unpaid. Credit went to ruin, loans for business became out of reach, overdraft charges, interest, and short term loan fees became an endless ant trap. Poverty begets poverty.

Thankfully, as a game designer, I was able to understand that what I was caught in was an aspect of a game I had been playing all my life, the same game we're all playing, one of finances and freedom. I saw the gravitational influence of wealth and realized that if I could get the momentum going in a positive direction, it would start to naturally get easier.

While exploring the work world through all the many opportunities I was given, both blue and white collar, trying to put myself in positions that would help me earn the keys to successfully running a business, it seemed like a world of exploitation. Many appear to share the same fundamental viewpoint on this 'game of the work world'.

It seems like to succeed, you have to be willing to take as much as you can while giving back as little as you can get away with. The difference you get to keep for yourself is called... Profit?

It's true many employers have pressed me to build up the IMPRESSION of quality as being more important than the TRUE quality being offered.

Yet when I looked closer at those who were really succeeding, the thing that stood out was how many people appreciated them. It became clear that one's value is rooted in how much they can truly help others. Even the goal of producing a great game is just a way to help others have an exceptional and unforgettable experience!

It hit me that if everyone is out there taking as much as they can get away with, the world gets worse for us all. And if we all can give more to others than we ask in return, together we begin to experience a world that improves over time for everyone. Clearly, only by providing others with what they need and want can we find the ways to more easily achieve what we need and want for ourselves.

I don't play as many games these days. I realize we're all playing one already, and that it's one we all play together, not against each other, but FOR each other. I realized everyone wants the same basic thing I wanted, the freedom to live as we wish, unfettered, unshackled, unchained to a wheel. Most of us do have dreams and desires we want to bring to the world, solutions to problems, innovations, beautifications, stories to tell and secrets to share.

With this shift in thinking, I ended up working for a series of employers that appreciated my sales and marketing background, combined with my numerous entrepreneurial efforts and wide experiences in creative and business pursuits.

I was trained by some of the best business coaches in the world on the use of new high tech tools for marketing. Clearly, the abilities of HUGE and indominable businesses to promote themselves were being equalized by these technologies, giving the everyday person, small and medium sized businesses the ability to make a huge impact like never before.

I realized at this point that we are, and always have been, bound to a game. Only now, we have the ability to stand on more even footing and overthrow the rigging of this game against us, leveraging the rules of the game to our benefit.

Our goal now is to help as many people to find true financial freedom with these knowledges and insights as possible.

Let's talk today about YOUR next steps to success!